Friday, April 8, 2011

Weekend to-dos

My friend Dianna is really good at making to-do lists. I used to do it a lot, and find it really helpful at work (sometimes), but have found lately that they do make overwhelming lists of things (like everything I want to do before the family comes for my party!) way less...overwhelming. So this weekend, here's the list:

friday evening
-buy cleaning supplies, more plastic containers at target
-mop all moppable floors
-pick up dianna from work

-get jeff to install ceiling fan in bedroom
-get office closet wall patched
-paint patched areas
-get jeff to put in that last piece of laminate in the closet
-clean up porch - store stuff that can be stored, sweep, clean patio furniture

-go to breakfast and to joann's with aforementioned dianna on sunday
-come home and stow purchases in newly purchased plastic things
-get two accounts done for dan, if possible

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